Faith Safe Heaven Women's Ministry

We address a wide spectrum of issues, to include, but not limited to: All forms of assault, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, grief support, divorce, mental health, and custody challenges.

Faith Safe Haven Women's Ministry

Faith Safe Haven Women’s Ministries mission and vision is to empower and uplift women who face the challenges of mental illness, domestic violence, assault, grief, financial distress, and divorce.

We provide hope and healing through a diverse range of programs, including seminars, empowerment initiatives, educational support, and accessible counseling services. Our commitment is to be a guiding light, fostering resilience and transformation in the lives of women, helping them emerge stronger and more confident in their journey toward recovery and independence.

At Faith Save Haven We want to Foster hope, facilitate healing and empower individuals to raise their voices. Through this ministry, out mission is to establish a nurturing sanctuary for women who have endured various forms of abuse and silently grapple with mental health challenges, whether due to financial constraints or personal choice to not engage with licensed therapists.

Our aspiration is to provide a compassionate, nonjudgmental haven where individuals can freely share their experiences without fear of repercussions, knowing that we are here to lend a supportive shoulder and a listening ear, ensuring they can unburden themselves without hesitation.

3 of the women reading the Bible with joyness
Bible study


Advocating Against Sexual Assault

Sexual assault refers to any sexual, physical, verbal, or visual act that forces a person to engage in sexual contact against their will or without their affirmative consent. Sexual assault commonly refers to forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration through physical force, such as being restrained or drugged, or threats to escalate violence. 

Legal definitions of these terms vary by states and jurisdictions. In the United States, one in three women and one in six men are survivors of sexual violence. If you or someone you know need help, view this list of resources. 

At Joyful Heart, we understand how difficult the pain of these experiences can be. We honor the strength it takes to survive and heal. We sincerely hope the information and resources below and throughout our website can help along that journey.

What is sexual assault? What is rape? Learn the common definitions of these terms, along with the meaning of consent.

Survivors of sexual assault and rape can experience the effects of trauma in many ways without a specific timeline.

The Women Gets Sexually Abused By Bunch Of Mens